How many sticks of cigarette have you been smoking for the last 24 hour? 10, 15, 20, or more maybe.
Well, I am pretty sure you are aware of the negative effects smoking has on ones health. But I am just wondering what is it in that cigarette that you are smoking that makes you light another stick? Besides the nicotine, what is it? Are you just smoking for fun? Or for pleasure? Just like eating a piece of chocolate or playing with your pet? You just actually inhaled a bunch of pollution into your body and still want it more. Wow. Quite interesting!
Well, I am pretty sure you are aware of the negative effects smoking has on ones health. But I am just wondering what is it in that cigarette that you are smoking that makes you light another stick? Besides the nicotine, what is it? Are you just smoking for fun? Or for pleasure? Just like eating a piece of chocolate or playing with your pet? You just actually inhaled a bunch of pollution into your body and still want it more. Wow. Quite interesting!
And I have another interesting fact that you just might be interested. The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer. So did the first "Marlboro Man." Interested? Post a comment! LOL